Friday, April 29, 2011

T-minus 56 weeks!

My co-worker went to watch the space shuttle launch this past week. As I reflected on the journey we are on, I wonder if we are going through some of the same feelings that an astronaut would just before launch. We have about 56 weeks before we depart for our journey to Italy to plant a church; as I think about that number it feels like both an eternity and an instant all at the same time. Much like that astronaut we have been preparing for this journey for a long time, but in the short time leading up to the launch there is still much to accomplish.

God has blessed us greatly in our fundraising efforts. We have raised almost 40% of our monthly need and our donors have been so faithful in their giving. We are so grateful to God and those who are equipping us to go. We do still have a fair amount of work to do but with God doing the preparations we are confidant that we will get there. As we send this letter out, we are hoping to meet with each of you in the very near future and will be calling you soon to talk about setting up a time to talk.

We had a chance to talk with a small group of parents from our kids’ school. It was great to share our story and a short message with them. If we have a chance to come and speak at your small group or Bible study it is a great forum to share and meet believers that are passionate about missions. Would you consider praying about us coming and sharing our story with your group?

Finally, we wanted to share some ways to keep in contact with us. Our e-mail address is listed on the side of this letter; we are trying to compile a list of e-mail addresses for each of you if you could e-mail us it would help tremendously.  We now have a Skype account; mixedupsocks is our screen name, if you have a Skype please include that information into your e-mail. Also Renee and I both have started a blog mine is and Renee’s is although I should admit that Renee is much better at updating her blog than I am.

            Please know that as we send this letter out to you, that we are praying for everyone who receives it. Also we would love all of you to be praying for us! We look forward to talking with you all soon, God Bless!

In Christ’s Peace,

Michael & Renee Johnson