It is an interesting it is so nondescript even by it's definition. I like to judge, to decipher, to it part of my rational thinking or whatever but is this catalyst a good thing or bad thing? Catalysts are different...they are not weighed by positive or negative, good or bad, right or wrong....they are simply something that happens prior to a change, or in the sense of chemistry enact the change but they themselves are not the change... There really is nothing else like a catalyst. We can look at the results of the change and evaluate the outcomes...but it is not the catalyst that causes that result!
Ok, so what am I talking about? As City Impact is heading into the final portion of our capitol campaign for our new building....we are in need of a catalyst, something that will help precipitate change. Our campaign has come so very far...but we still have work to do. We feel very confident that this is the Lord's leading for our ministry. We know our students need a building to call home! Our programs need to have room to grow, not for our sake but because we know that there are so many in our community that need God's Love in their lives!

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