Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Date Day

I love Wednesdays. It is my usual day off work and it is the day that my wife and I have set aside as our date day. It is not that we do anything extravagant; we generally run some errands, sometimes we go to the grocery store, but we almost always go out to eat. It is a time that we have set aside each week to focus on our relationship, we can sit together and chat. I think that it is a practice that all married couples should look into. I need that time to connect with her and I think she needs it too.

It's funny - this week life gave us a monkey wrench in the form of a snow day. With the kids being home we didn't get our usual date; although some of the same errands had to be run! And I missed that time! That is not to say the time home as a family wasn't awesome, because it was great. I just missed lunch with my wife!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mike, That is a good practice. We had a time for us all those year when I was working and we were ministering to others. Family time was also put into the mix, but time with mom necessary to keep us on an even keel. Keep up the good work, Love Dad
