Saturday, August 13, 2011

Leadership Summit = Inspiration!

I had a chance to go to a simulcast of Willow Creek's Leadership summit. (For those who are unfamiliar Willow Creek is a huge church in the suburbs of Chicago, IL & their leadership summit is put on annually with speakers ranging for  Mega-church pastors, to high end business consultants, to CEO's). I love to hear about leadership and learn some of the newest thoughts on the subject. While at Grace U. I had a prof. that was particularly fond of this conference and would regularly bring in DVD's from previous shows and have our class interact with the materials. It was cool to see the information as it was happening instead of dissecting after the fact. I was impressed by one particular story; and I bought the guy's book immediately as it has a number of parallels to what we are going to do Rome.

"Sun Stand Still " by Steven Furtick is a book about what he terms "Audacious Faith" and daring to ask God for the impossiable. What I found most intriguing was the short version of his story. Five years ago he and his wife along with a few other families decided that they were going to plant a church. Their prayer was to reach 1,000 people for Christ in the first year. They moved to a town where they had no contacts and little chance for success (they actually decided that God was calling them to Charlotte which is one of the most over-churched areas in the USA) as most new church plants in that area are closed within three years. They were told by other Christians in the area to consider renting as they would not be successful. His vision to the team her was leading was " I want to know what it means to live life and do ministry at the speed of God. I want to see God do so much so fast that the world will have to take note ." AMEN! Five years later (same time frame as our time in Rome) his church is over 6,000 people and listed as one of the fastest growing churches in nation by Outreach Magazine.

I am inspired by a group of people that affect a measurable change for God in an area. I am more impressed by this young man's humility and willingness to give all the honor and credit to God! I am excited to read more about his vision of ministry and seeing what will be applicable to our ministry in Rome! Thanks to Ken Roeloffs and LBC for the invite!

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