Monday, February 13, 2012

Why are you here?

Last night was my first official night of running program at ILA. It was a great night and I thank all of the teachers and faithful volunteers who make ILA happen each week.

Some of the highlights of the night included:

*Impromptu game of catchphrase during the hang out time.

*Being "initiated" with a display of my hand / eye coordination.
*Shepherd's Pie!

*GFG Shopping for middle school girls

*Sitting in on High School boys lesson and party time.

I attempted to answer the question "Why are you here?", by giving a message to the students. During that time in introduced myself and gave a bit of my story.  As I talked I began to turn the question to pose it to the students. I talked about all of the highlights we saw during our evening together but came to the conclusion that while all of those things are fun, good, and desirable to do....they in and of themselves were not a satisfactory answer to that question,  "Why are you here?"  The Lord gave me a message that the Gospel was the main reason that we were all there and a challenge to the students to say that they are being equipped to be "salt and light" in their schools and this community. Romans 1:16a "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes..." The gospel calls us to relationship with our maker; then as we seek to become more Christ-like it calls to action. To be a part of God's story, to minister to orphans, widows, and the least of these. God does not need us to minister to them, but rather allows us to be a part of this work.  I am grateful that this was our starting point. I look forward to the work that God will do through these students.

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