Friday, June 15, 2012

Father's Day

How many of us grew up with an awesome Dad? Who was blessed to be brought up in a way that is noble and honoring?  I have been a part of many different Men's Groups- Bible Studies where the primary focus is Fatherhood! How our fathers are we doing as fathers...what does it really mean to be a father? In these groups I have discovered that fathers are seldom good, and even the best have left holes or scars that are hard to fill. Wounds that never truly go away. Stories that will not be forgotten. We fail....

In the movie "Fight Club" "Tyler" played by Brad Pitt articulates a worldly view of what it means to be a father....and how that can affect our relationship with our creator by saying "Our fathers were our models for God. If our fathers bailed what does this tell you about God?... You have to consider the possibility that God  does not like you. He never wanted you. In all probability, he hates you." How many of us struggle with the image of God as our "Father " based on our earthly father? I am sure that it can be a challenge for many!

Paul has a different take, he sates in Romans 8 "Instead you received the Holy Spirit, who makes you God's child. By the Spirit's power we call God "Abba." Abba means Father.The Spirit himself joins with our spirits. Together they give witness that we are God's children." The God of everything, creator of all, imparts His Spirit it to us, so that we can call Him "daddy" ... this is only available to us by believing that God's Son, Jesus took the punishment for our sins! God loves you...and He is a perfect Father, even if our dads were not (which I can guarantee they were not perfect)! He desires to be in relationship with you, even if your father has "bailed".

If you have a great dad, be grateful for him this weekend. If your dad was not winning father of the year anytime soon, and there are things between you and him, take it to your Heavenly Father and see what His will for you is, because He love you and gave up everything just to be with you!

Happy Father's Day!

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