I stated in my last blog that Holy Week is very dear to me as a believer and has been a big part of my ministry. It being Good Friday I was reading the words of Jesus today, as He spoke out from the cross. His words (or statements) that would change the course of humankind's relationship with the God of the Universe. Jesus died once for all and His proclamations from the cross are astounding.

"Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise," Luke 23:41. Jesus shows that His redemption is for all who believe. Faith in Christ is our assurance that we are adopted into His family and it is not limited to people based on their past deeds. The person Jesus told these words to was sentenced to death! God could reach a person who was in the process of being executed! If God can reach him, God can accept anyone into His family.
"Woman, behold your son, John behold your mother," John 19:26-27. This gives us insight to the humanity of Christ. He was concerned about His mother and asked His best friend to take care of her for Him. It is like the guy dying on the battlefield asking his friend to deliver a note to his wife for him. A tender moment among awful brutality.
"I thirst," John 19:28-29. John referred to Christ as the Word of God, made into flesh; God with us, Emmanuel. Jesus knew that all scripture and prophesy concerning His life and death must be fulfilled.
"Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani - My God, My God, why have you forsaken me," Mark 15:34. This one is interesting, is Christ in despair? Does He truly believe that God has left Him? That would be impossible as He, Himself is God! The hymns say "The Father turned His face away," but a true separation cannot happen. In fact, Jesus is quoting scripture! He is the Word of God and He is remembering the words of David as he penned Psalm 22. As He feels the weight of the sins of the world cast upon Him. Holding on to scriptures, He feels our pain at the thought of separation from God. This is not a cry of despair, but rather an encouraging word to Himself to keep going...to finish the task He was sent to do...God does not desire for us to be forsaken, forgotten, or separated from Him, through Christ we never have to experience that!

"Father, into your hands, I commit my Spirit," Luke 23:46. Jesus has shown His obedience to give up His life for us. With His dying words He offers up His spirit to His Father's Will!
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