Monday, May 16, 2011

Filling the gaps........

As we are in the process of making big decisions, I am continually blown away by God's provision and the doors that He opens in order for me to be faithful! If I had a title for the past few weeks, I would have to say that it is opportunities  abound! This summer and fall is going to be filled with great ministry that will shape my ability to minister to others and that will allow me to work in areas of strength.

First up, our family was a last minute addition to Camp Maranatha junior camp staff. This is a blast and something that we have been a part of for four of the past five years, we had a chance to minister there last year but we were at Avant for training. I have been asked to lead a devotional time/ bible study. I will work with a dear brother on some skits/ videos and work with a great group of kids from Lincoln Christian (as well as other schools)! So looking forward to our time in Western Nebraska!

Next, I have been asked to be a story teller for  America's Great Stories, a summer out reach to local Lincoln kids. I will be playing General Joshua L. Chamberlain a civil war veteran who lead the Union forces during the battle for "Little Round Top" a key turning point for the North. He studied theology and was preparing for the mission field (ironically enough)! This outreach already has over 500 students signed up to come to the story telling sessions and I will get the chance to share my missionary journey with all of the other volunteers that are a part of this ministry!

I plan on taking my son to Colorado for the Peak Challenge, this is group of guys from my old church that get together to take on climbing (up a trail not up a rock face) a 13K+ summit. These are men that I had great fellowship with for many years of my life. I was in Life Groups, Bible studies, and prayer partners with them. Our sons grew up together and I am excited to be taking them with us. It should be awesome!  

Finally (chronologically, not in terms of importance) I have been asked to help direct the fall play at Lincoln Christian. Our wonderful teacher is due to have a baby just two weeks before school starts and will not be able to take on the full season. I am so excited to work with these kids again ( I volunteered a lot of time this year) and to get the chance to coach them up! This will eventually be the play that they take to One Act competition. This is truly a dream come true for me and I cannot wait!

I pray that I will learn valuable lessons that will shape and equip me into the type of missionary that God has designed me to be! As I close the door on this chapter of my life and move to the next I am amazed at how God is filling the gaps.....

1 comment:

  1. Sounds wonderful to me Mike. Love you and pray God does all you need to be the best you can be. Dad
